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Ged Essay Example
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Cold Blood and The Outsider
The Cold Blood and The Outsider The Cold Blood and The Outsider Presentation Authors of books mean to make remarkable comprehension about issues that are critical to them or to their perspectives as a person. It couldn't be denied that some way or another, this reality is characterized through the formation of improved realities that are introduced by journalists through the aesthetic utilization of words and sentences that immediate the perusers towards the fundamental message that they are expecting to make and send to their intended interest group. Essentially, the essayists pick their subjects, make their topics and deal with the plot as per what they really need to depict through the narratives. In this conversation, an examination of two stories that indicates the formation of situations dependent on fiction and genuine occasions in life will be dealt with in a point of demonstrating how the said story writers planned to comprehend what they know and put matters into immaculate composing that could demand the chance of making implicative notes on how the perusers might see the more profound importance of every introduction that they make through the plot. Alongside this, taking into account that both the readings being examined depend on criminal subjects, the psychoanalytic analysis will likewise be concentrated on regarding the issue being considered as the primary focal point of the journalists in taking on the situation of their characters in confronting the challenges of living and seeming well and good out of the most significant making of their being. About the Outsider The Outsider which was wrote by Albert Camus utilizes a character that can withstand human feelings. The character was noted to be an existentialist, is acted like somebody who isn't pestered of the past and thinks just about whats present. It could be noticed that inside this story, a demonstrative comprehension of what an individual thinks about and what he couldn't care less about fills the character that he has towards the others. It appeared as though Camus expected to introduce human living to be a reckless condition of understanding that essentially identifies with the need of making ordering contemplations from the current enthusiastic remaining of an individual. The thought is that the way toward deduction directs the manner in which one responds to the things that he has done or would do even now. With the utilization of innovative introduction of the plot and the remaining of the primary character in responding to the present circumstances that he has been under from his past towards the occasions that he is managing at present, the creator had the option to isolate the comprehension of the principle character towards his passionate choices at present which are not at all identified with the ways by which he responded before regarding a similar circumstance. Making a lot of what an individual thinks and how one responds to the various circumstances in life makes this story a read that presents a more inside and out connection to how people now and then react to wrongdoing because of the lesser consideration that they have on what has occurred previously and how those past occasions could in any case be fixed through doing great today. What has been done has been done; indeed, a few people who are thoughtless about the outcomes of what they are doing and how these could influence what's to come are typically the ones who are less ready to show any condemn on themselves when they are approached to think back to their past and basically make answers for an inappropriate doings that they may have brought about previously. About the Story In Cold Blood In light of genuine occasions that occurred in the mid n1960s, it couldn't be precluded that the setting from claiming the story is introduced such that the general public experienced their lives previously. The occasion considered inside this story is the homicide case that includes two crooks and the entire family that they focused on in any event, when they were still in jail. The writer introduced the circumstance in a way that presented a significant thought on how the job of the significant character has been discharged for comprehension with respect to the perusers. This story for all intents and purposes developed on the event of a homicide that the two fundamental characters have been associated with. In any case, rather than making a puzzle introduction, the portrayal proposed to show the various purposes for the event of issues. It couldn't be denied that it is a result of this that the story clarifies better comprehension of the wellsprings of the wrongdoing than just expressing how the wrongdoing occurred. Through a mental introduction on the relationship that the primary characters have between one another, it could be perceived how the various activities of distinguishing why the issues happened the manner in which they deed clarifies the response of the two characters towards the circumstances that they are confronting. Through the introduction of subtleties utilized in this story, it could be noticed how the writer figured out how to show the various components of wrongdoing and how the various places of hoodlums have been planned for peruser understanding. Likely, through this the writer had the option to tell the perusers of his message in an all the more persuading and sensible introduction of the issues worried inside the plot and the characters that makes the entire occasion that orders the various issues that are included the various circumstances that are extensively full of feeling on the occasions that are figured out how to realize the clarification of the occasions. Understanding the Issues of Personality and Growth The degree of development of each individual characterizes their character. The improvement that one grasps with respects their response towards the significant circumstances that he figures out how to manage really appear through the way that he reacts to the difficulties of life. In brain research, this improvement is considered as the significant wellspring of understanding that considers the opportunity of having a decent effect on how one grows by and by as a person who realizes how to offset his feelings with his considerations. Then again, there are as yet those people who are less ready to make a distinct reaction to the circumstances that they face. Now and then, these people do not have the understanding that they should have the option to make something happen for the advancement of the circumstance for the advancement of every individual. The vast majority of those people who are taking care of the various difficulties that life itself presents neglect to see the better consequences of the circumstances dependent on the conceivable result of these difficulties on their own lives. On account of the absence of constructive way to deal with managing individual issues, these individuals discharge their pressure and their repercussions in a progressively negative manner because of the absence of coherent thinking that they have towards the circumstances that they are confronting each day. Inside the narratives being investigated, it could be noticed that the advancement of the principle characters have been for all intents and purposes influenced by their past, their character and their comprehension of life. Basically, through this understanding it could be seen that there are various responses that are fundamental for the differential recognizable proof of the character of one individual dependent on the technique of acknowledgment that he acknowledges as he figures out how to consider the diverse indication of learning with respects the encounters that they have most likely met with throughout everyday life. Through these exercises learnt, it could be seen that they can build up a comprehension of their situation as they attempt their best to turn into the individual that they need to be as they manage their current issues. Be that as it may, when antagonism and absence of comprehension is concentrated on, it couldn't be denied that negative outcomes could likewise be normal. This is particularly evident when the examination on the significant issues encompassing the characters of the previous two stories analyzed in this is concerned. In the accompanying area of this conversation, a comprehension of the diverse psychoanalytic rules that had been utilized by the creators inside the story will be given consideration thus. The Involvement of Psychoanalytic Criticism Psychoanalytic analysis includes the ID of the mental thought that the narrators consider to depict the character of their characters and the procedure by which they handle the most significant issues throughout their life as a component of their turn of events. Conceivably, with the thought of the standing that they have regarding their past activities and how they should deal with similar difficulties at present. On the principal story considering Meursault, it could be seen that his character was characterized to have some differential comprehension of the past and how these occasions throughout his life influences his present acknowledgment of issues. It could be noted then that some way or another, through this Mersault supposedly had a lesser worry on how his past demonstrations influenced the individuals who were living around him. Thus, he never gains from these encounters and afterward will in general recurrent these demonstrations in his present frameworks of managing matters. Then again, the two hoodlums in the story The Cold Blood, reacted to their accomplices activities dependent on the relationship that they have partaken previously. In a similar spot, the two people utilized their enthusiastic relationship as key motivations to push their accomplice towards doing what they think ought to be finished. The impact of each on the other made the conditions that they have been associated with regarding the improvement of the case. Honestly, it is through this that the various issues on human character and the responses that they have towards the conditions that they have to manage ordinary. For all intents and purposes, it could be seen that they have based their thought in the present push of their feelings and less consideration towards the present circumstances that they are managing. With this lesser consideration given to the outcomes of their demonstrations, it could be overseen and surely known that by one way or another, the characters were characterized perfec
Saturday, August 22, 2020
English Essay – Indian Camp
English Essay †Indian Camp The progress from kid to grown-up can be an unpleasant procedure. Now and again an extreme encounter needs to happen for the change to occur. A gathering with the fundamental states of life, and with that the hover of life, can much of the time be a trigger for the progress from kid to man. In this short story the progress is connected to the division among civilisation and nature, civilisation commanding nature. In the short story â€Å"Indian Camp†by Ernest Hemingway, there is where a kid meets a characteristic environment.The result is that an inclination of prevalence towards nature is made. The creator of the content spotlights on what effect seeing life and passing can have on a child’s mind. The gathering with life and demise is viewed as a supporter of picking up adulthood. The creator depicts a boy’s advancement as coming about because of a solid encounter. The short story is organized as a fantasy with a home-out-home st ructure. With that is implied that he begins in an agreeable spot and afterward goes on an excursion and afterward returns. In the content the agreeable spot is the vessel and the excursion is to the island were the Indians live.In that way Nick begins as one individual, and after the excursion masters something that makes him an alternate individual. In a manner the structure underlines the topic, since it causes you concentrating on the change. The kid named Nick begins his advancement toward adulthood in the content. He starts as a delicate kid who relies upon his dad and winds up as an autonomous and certain youngster. The change can be seen in numerous distinctions in Nick in the beginning and the closure of the content. Before all else he depends on the help of his dad where at long last he is fine without anyone else. â€Å"Nick lay back with his father’s arm around him. †¦. â€Å"They were situated in the pontoon. Scratch in the harsh, his dad rowing†In the short story Nick deals with the hover of life. He encounters both life and demise, which causes him to grow up. To comprehend life you have to have seen demise. Notwithstanding that, Nick additionally gets the image of civilisation commanding nature. That is appeared through the dad who really changes the course of two persons’ lives. The Indian lady and the unborn youngster would have kicked the bucket on the off chance that it had not been for his dad. In this manner his dad secures a divine status, which prompts the vague closure: He felt very sure that he could never die†It isn't evident whether â€Å"he†alludes to Nick or to the dad. It may be them two, expecting that Nick has seen how you can command nature. As recently referenced, the closure uncovers a few changes among when the experience. The consummation shows that Nick builds up a comprehension of life and demise. A distinction in nature is that they show up at night and return in the first part of the day. It tends to be deciphered as though the night speaks to the completion of his adolescence and the morning the beginning of his adulthood.Also, the night is identified with nature, and with that the occasions in the Indian camp. At the point when the sun rises and the light gets through they come back to civilisation. In that manner civilisation is connected to light. The night and day topic underlines the change from a guileless boy’s absence of comprehension to a youngster grappling with the nuts and bolts of life and civilisation. What's more, we see an adjustment in the earth. It begins as melancholy and completes as something agreeable. â€Å"The two vessels began in obscurity. Scratch heard the oarlocks of the other pontoon a serious path in front of them in the fog. †¦. â€Å" The sun was coming up over the slopes. A bass hopped, making a hover in the water. †The adjustment in nature is a pointer of what lies ahead. The night condition represe nts demise and the obscure. The morning speaks to a passageway to adulthood. The bass creation a hover in the water is an image of the hover of life. Scratch sees the hover toward the finish of the content, and that is indication of him currently having seen and potentially got life and demise. â€Å"A bass bounced, making a hover in the water. †The hover of life is portrayed in two ways.On the one hand, the baby’s birth and the dad’s passing structure portions of the hover of life. At the point when somebody is conceived another person kicks the bucket. Then again we see that when the child enters the world, and with that the beginning periods of life, Nick leaves the beginning periods of life. This implies the circle additionally says that when someone enters another phase of life another person leaves it, exemplified by the new-conceived child and Nick. The short story is set among the â€Å"savages†, which is an ideal put in to comprehend the normal request of life. It happens in an Indian town and in that way shows nature as unadulterated as it is.The progress from kid to man, and with that the comprehension of life, must be found in a situation that underlines the essential states of life. With that the creator really says that to see how nature capacities you need to leave the ordinary humanized life. To summarize, the creator figures out how to portray the change from kid to man because of meeting the hover of life. Moreover, he problematizes acculturated society and in this way shows you can't comprehend the genuine idea of civilisation without seeing its inverse; nature. English Essay †Indian Camp English Essay †Indian Camp The change from youngster to grown-up can be a harsh procedure. Now and again an extreme encounter needs to happen for the change to occur. A gathering with the essential states of life, and with that the hover of life, can much of the time be a trigger for the change from kid to man. In this short story the change is connected to the polarity among civilisation and nature, civilisation ruling nature. In the short story â€Å"Indian Camp†by Ernest Hemingway, there is where a kid meets a characteristic environment.The result is that an inclination of predominance towards nature is made. The creator of the content spotlights on what effect seeing life and passing can have on a child’s mind. The gathering with life and demise is viewed as a supporter of picking up adulthood. The creator depicts a boy’s advancement as coming about because of a solid encounter. The short story is organized as a fantasy with a home-out-home structure. W ith that is implied that he begins in an agreeable spot and afterward goes on an excursion and afterward returns. In the content the agreeable spot is the vessel and the excursion is to the island were the Indians live.In that way Nick begins as one individual, and after the excursion gets the hang of something that makes him an alternate individual. In a manner the structure underlines the topic, since it encourages you concentrating on the change. The kid named Nick begins his improvement toward adulthood in the content. He starts as a delicate kid who relies upon his dad and winds up as an autonomous and certain youngster. The change can be seen in numerous distinctions in Nick in the beginning and the closure of the content. To start with he depends on the help of his dad where at long last he is fine without anyone else. â€Å"Nick lay back with his father’s arm around him. †¦. â€Å"They were situated in the pontoon. Scratch in the harsh, his dad rowing†In the short story Nick grapples with the hover of life. He encounters both life and passing, which causes him to grow up. To comprehend life you have to have seen demise. Notwithstanding that, Nick additionally gets the image of civilisation ruling nature. That is appeared through the dad who really changes the course of two persons’ lives. The Indian lady and the unborn youngster would have kicked the bucket in the event that it had not been for his dad. Thusly his dad gains a supernatural status, which prompts the equivocal consummation: He felt very sure that he could never die†It isn't evident whether â€Å"he†alludes to Nick or to the dad. It may be them two, expecting that Nick has seen how you can rule nature. As recently referenced, the closure uncovers a few changes among when the experience. The completion shows that Nick builds up a comprehension of life and passing. A distinction in the earth is that they show up at night and return toward the beginn ing of the day. It very well may be deciphered as though the night speaks to the consummation of his adolescence and the morning the beginning of his adulthood.Also, the night is identified with nature, and with that the occasions in the Indian camp. At the point when the sun rises and the light gets through they come back to civilisation. In that manner civilisation is connected to light. The night and day subject underlines the change from a credulous boy’s absence of comprehension to a youngster grappling with the nuts and bolts of life and civilisation. Likewise, we see an adjustment in the earth. It begins as desolate and completes as something amicable. â€Å"The two vessels began in obscurity. Scratch heard the oarlocks of the other vessel a significant route in front of them in the fog. †¦. â€Å" The sun was coming up over the slopes. A bass hopped, making a hover in the water. †The adjustment in the earth is a marker of what lies ahead. The night condi tion represents passing and the obscure. The morning speaks to a passageway to adulthood. The bass creation a hover in the water is an image of the hover of life. Scratch sees the hover toward the finish of the content, and that is indication of him currently having seen and potentially got life and demise. â€Å"A bass hopped, making a hover in the water. †The hover of life is portrayed in two ways.On the one hand, the baby’s birth and the dad’s passing structure portions of the hover of life. At the point when somebody is conceived another person kicks the bucket. Then again we see that when the child enters the world, and with that the beginning times of life, Nick leaves the beginning times of life. This implies the circle likewise says that whe
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Importance of Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Importance of Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud History and Biographies Print The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud History and Significance By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on October 07, 2019 Hulton Archive/Getty Images More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming If you are interested in Sigmund Freud or dream interpretation, this is a must-have text for your collection. As one of Freuds earliest books, the theories, ideas and case studies described within The Interpretation of Dreams helped set the stage for psychoanalytic theory.?? Why The Interpretation of Dreams Is Important The Interpretation of Dreams is the classic text on dream analysis and interpretation. Freud introduces many key concepts that would later become central to the theory of psychoanalysis. The book also emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind, which is one of the underlying principles of Freudian psychology.?? Pros and Cons Pros The classic text on the subject Freuds writing is engaging and intriguing Case studies allow a look at his psychoanalytic work Cons Research lacks scientific rigor Many ideas not substantiated by current research Theories havent fared well over time The History Behind the Book When Freud famously started analyzing himself, he used his dreams quite frequently in the process. Always a vivid dreamer, Freud had by this time also noticed the impact of dreams on his patients, including psychotic patients whose hallucinations were similar to dreams. Between his own experience and that of his patients, he concluded that dreams are almost always expressions of unfulfilled wishes.?? Believing sincerely in the importance of dreams and realizing no one had written much, if anything, about the subject, Freud spent two years writing The Interpretation of Dreams. Originally published in German under the title Die Traumdeutung in 1900, initial sales of the book were slow and disappointing and largely ignored by the scientific community. By 1910, Freuds other work was becoming well-known and so the book became more popular. It was translated into English and Russian in 1913 and six more languages by 1938. Seven more editions were also printed during his lifetime. Historical Significance Freud was an incredibly prolific writer, publishing more than 320 different books, articles, and essays. Out of this impressive body of work, Freud described The Interpretation of Dreams as his personal favorite as well as his most significant contribution to the understanding of human thought.?? [It] contains… the most valuable of all the discoveries it has been my good fortune to make. Insight such as this falls to ones lot but once in a lifetime, he explained. The Interpretation of Dreams stands as a unique and classic work in the history of psychology. No matter what you may think of Sigmund Freud’s psychological theories, the cultural impact and historical importance of this book are without question. For those interested in dream research, this book serves as an excellent introduction to many of Freuds major ideas. The book outlines his belief that dreams are highly symbolic, containing both overt meanings, called manifest content, and underlying, unconscious thoughts, known as latent content. Dreams, he suggested, are our unconscious wishes in disguise.?? Despite Freud’s tendency to over-generalize, his lack of scientific evidence, his overemphasis on sex, and his frequently chauvinistic viewpoints, this seminal work remains important in the history of psychology. The Interpretation of Dreams marked the beginning of ?psychoanalysis and is a fascinating text revealing Freud’s unique talent as a writer and ambitious theorist.??
Friday, May 22, 2020
A List of Iron Alloys and Steel
This is a list of iron alloys. Included are various types of iron and steel. Steel (carbon)Stainless steel (chromium, nickel)AL-6XNAlloy 20CelestriumMarine-grade stainless steelMartensitic stainless steelSurgical stainless steel (chromium, molybdenum, nickel)Silicon steel (silicon)Tool steel (tungsten or manganese)Bulat steelChromoly (chromium, molybdenum)Crucible steelDamascus steelHSLA steelHigh-speed steelMaraging steelReynolds 531Wootz steelIronAnthracite iron (carbon)Cast iron (carbon)Pig iron (carbon)Wrought iron (carbon)Fernico (nickel, cobalt)Elinvar (nickel, chromium)Invar (nickel)Kovar (cobalt)Spiegeleisen (manganese, carbon, silicon)FerroalloysFerroboronFerrochrome (chromium)FerromagnesiumFerromanganeseFerromolybdenumFerronickelFerrophosphorusFerrotitaniumFerrovanadiumFerrosilicon
Saturday, May 9, 2020
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Interview with an Older Adult Free Essays
Virginia Western Community College Practical Nursing Program Spring 2013 NUR 135-PN Drug Dosage Calculation Review of Problem Areas Reconstitution of Non-injectable Solutions Prepare the following nutritional solutions for the designated time period. 1. Order: 1/2 strength Isomil 6 oz. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview with an Older Adult or any similar topic only for you Order Now p. o. q4h for 24 hours. How much formula and water will you use to prepare a 24-hour supply of feeding? 2. Order: 1/2 strength Ensure 8 oz via nasogastric tube to be given over 8 hrs. How much formula and water will you use to prepare this feeding? 3. Order:1/4 strength Jevity 300 mL via G-tube q6h. How much formula and water is needed to prepare enough feeding for your 8-hour shift? 4. Order: 400 mL of 1/4 strength Ensure over 6 hours via nasogastric tube. Supply: Ensure 240 mL cans. How much formula and water is needed to prepare this feeding? 5. Order: Irrigate wound with 50 mL of 1/2 strength hydrogen peroxide and normal saline q4h while awake. How much hydrogen peroxide and NS will you use to prepare this solution for each treatment? 6. Order: 1/2 strength Ensure 16 ounces by gastrostomy tube over 4 hrs. Add ________mL of Ensure and ______mL of water to make the desired solution. 7. Order: 3/4 strength Sustacal 400 mL p. . q. i. d. Add _________mL of Sustacal and ______mL of water to make the desired solution. IV Calculations 1. Order: 500 mL NS IV to infuse @ 250 mL/hr. The IV tubing has a drop factor of 10 gtt/mL. You do not have an IV pump available. Calculate the drops per min you would set this IV to run. 2. Order: 1 L of O. 9% NaCl IV to infuse over 6 hours. You will use a microdrop set to administer the IV fluid. What is the flow rate in gtts/min? 3. Order: 1000 mL 0. 45% NaCl to infuse over 12 hours. At what flow rate will you set the infusion pump? 4. Order: Kefzol 1. 5 g IV PB diluted in 100 mL D5W to infuse in 20 min. You are using a 10 drop/mL set. What is the flow rate in gtt/min? 5. Order: Ancef 2 g in 100 mL D5W IVPB in 30 min to be administered by infusion pump. At what rate do you set the infusion pump? Pediatric Dosage 1. Order: Phenobarbital 45 mg p. o. b. i. d. Child’s weight 35 lb. Recommended dosage is 6 mg/kg/day q12h Supply dosage: Phenobarbital 50 mg/mL How many milliliters should be given per q12h dose? _________ 2. Gentamicin 45 mg IV q8h is ordered for a child weighing 45 lb. Recommended dosage is 6 to 7. 5 mg/kg/day in three divided dosages. The available supply of gentamicin is 100 mg/mL. How many mL of gentamicin should be given per dose? __________ 3. Order: Penicillin VK 56 mg/kg/day p. o. in 4 divided doses Child’s weight is 55 lbs. Available: Penicillin VK 125 mg/5 mL How many milliliters should be given per dose? _________ 4. Order: Rocephin 200 mg q8h p. o. Supply: Rocephin 500 mg/mL Recommended dosage is 75-150 mg/kg per day Child weighs 15. 4 lb Is this a safe order? If safe, how many milliliters should be given per dose? _________ 5. Order: SoluMedrol 1. 5 mg/kg is ordered for a child weighing 74. 8 lbs. Supply: SoluMedrol 125 mg/2 mL How many milliliters should the nurse administer? ________ Reconstitution of Injectable Solutions 1. Order: Kefurox 0. 75 g IV q12h Available: [pic] a. How many milliliters of diluent will you add to reconstitute the solution? _____ b. How many milliliters will you administer? _____ 2. Order: Ancef 0. 275 g IM q6h (See label below. ) a. Reconstitute with _______mL diluent b. What is the dosage strength of the prepared so lution? _________ c. Give: ________ [pic] 3. Order: cefazolin 450 mg IM q. 8h (See label below. ) a. Reconstitute with ________mL diluent. b. What is the dosage strength of the prepared solution? __________ c. Give: _____________ pic] 4. Order: Penicillin G potassium 450,000 units IM at 7am Available: [pic] a. What is the total dosage strength of the vial? _____ b. Which concentration would be appropriate to mix for the ordered dose? _____ c. How much diluents must be added to make the appropriate concentration? _____ d. How many milliliters will you administer? ________ Conversions 1. gr v = ________mg 2. 15 mg = gr ________ 3. 40 mg = gr ________ 4. gr 1/5 = _______ mg 5. gr 1/150 = _______ mg 6. 50 mg = gr ________ 7. 5 lbs 12 ounces = ______kg 8. 18 lb = ________kg 9. 24. 2 kg = ________ lb 10. 6 lb 4 oz = ________kg How to cite Interview with an Older Adult, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Lawyer Review Essay Example
The Lawyer Review Paper Essay on The Lawyer Still, not everyone in the United States as well as we would like to believe. Just yesterday, reading a book, slightly dispels the pink mist over over Washington Lawyer by John Grisham. it is written clearly not for a pleasant evening of reading, and to lobby for a particular idea, and thereby received ideological and manufacturing novel about lawyers. The book describes how a successful lawyer, earning several hundred thousand dollars a year, together with his colleagues randomly it becomes a hostage armed with a pistol and explosives street vagrant. After a few hours spent by them in anticipation of the explosion and sudden death, the police release the hostages, killing the tramp. He did not have time to explain what he wanted. Then the lawyer decides to find it myself. And before it opens an abyss, into which fell and live with no hope to change something in my life for the better, hundreds of his compatriots. We are talking about people who have lost their first job, and then housing. (However, some of them from the very beginning up to the street, at the same homeless mothers, drug addicts and prostitutes). They feed in the free soup kitchens, occasionally spend the night in shelters, and mostly live on the street, even in the winter. While investigating who was a man, whose brains and blood after shooting a police sniper filled his face, the lawyer meets with his colleague in the profession, which is the money the charity fund protects the rights of these people:. the right to legal aid, benefits, pensions, etc. every year the army of officials in the field of social welfare is increasing, as a means to help disadvantaged decrease. In this indifference of bureaucrats to interfere with even the money that stand out, to reach the poorest Americans. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Often the indifference of society leads to a real tragedy. Lawyer taken to defend the rights of victims of post-mortem one such tragedy: mother and her four children suffocated in his sleep in the car, where they actually lived after them in the most severe winter time illegally and without warning thrown out of a tiny rented accommodation. To this end, a successful lawyer, the future companion of the company and the potential millionaire abruptly changes his life. Quits his job, steals from the office of the dossier, which reveals the background of dirty tragedy exposed the police and prosecuted by the former colleagues, but .. In general, I advise you to check out. Still, no matter how the author tried to portray the radical demolition of the fate of his hero, he is not quite happened. Yes, successful yuppies playfully refused to attribute a comfortable upper middle class life. He buys coffee and donuts inveterate drug addict, prostitute close to my heart takes its problems, pays out of pocket for her motel room, where she has to spend a few days in complete abstinence (this should be the first step to return to her son). But with all this, he still remains an American lawyer. A man for whom the first place to shake money from the enemy of his client. Children were killed, what difference how many millions will pay their relatives who never cared about them, a firm indirectly responsible for their deaths? Maybe spiritual fervor better spent on living? Or motive lawyer was to protect themselves from the punishment for stealing a key file in this matter, for which he was, after all, faces 10 years in prison? There are other points that cause confusion and suspicion that the author simply did not know how to promote the narrative, without disrupting the logic of events, therefore, I grasped at any grand piano in the bushes.
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